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10 best resorts in the Carpathians

But in some circumstances – or at the request of debt, or due to some necessity often have to forget about pleasures and not run away from burdens. But in some circumstances – or at the request of debt, or due to some necessity often have to forget about pleasures and not run away from burdens. Indeed, no one rejects, despises, avoids pleasures just because they are pleasures, but only because those who do not know how to intelligently indulge in pleasure comprehend great suffering. If we use the simplest example, then which of us would become

Using the simplest example, who among us would do any strenuous exercise if it did not bring any benefit? And who could justly reproach the desire for pleasure, which would not bring with it any trouble, or who would avoid such suffering, which did not bring

Therefore, the sage adheres in this case to the following principle of choice – or, refusing pleasure, he gets some other and even great pleasures, or, suffering, he gets rid of the more cruel .. If you use the simplest example, then which of us would do what. it would not be difficult

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